Saturday 12 July 2014

That Christmas NIght


It was the Christmas of the year 2013, unlike every year this year was different. This year he was away from home,  studying in one of  the prestigious B-schools in the country. His parents were proud of him, coming from such a small family he really had metal to go after his dreams. His wolf-pack friends were also very happy with him. All were happy, he always tried to keep everyone like that and to his part He succeeded in it. But nobody ever thought about his happiness, his parents thought as he is going after his dream he must be happy, his friends thought as he helps everyone and spreads a great laughter, he must be happy, but I knew him well, infact very well. he was among the few great buddies I had. He was my and rahul’s go to person. he was among those few people who are really good at bluffing the world. He didn’t shared his pains with anyone but himself and her. Yes, like every other person he had a her. Someone whom He loved a lot , someone whom he really cared for, and someone who meant his world to him. He used to tell me about her all the time. Every single day he tried to talk to her. They lived in different states but for him she lived in his heart. He tried to make everyday a special for her. But she loved a different person. Even after knowing it, he loved her, he didn’t expected anything but just wanted to give his entire life to her. She was his best friend. Maybe we can say they were the best together. It was about 11oclock that night, an hour left for the Christmas eve. He started walking towards the chapel near our place. He called me up but I was with my someone. I saw him going. I wondered what would he pray. Unlike others he didn’t pray for himself. He prayed for 4 people. His mom, dad, his brother and her. He must have reached the chapel when I got a call from him. I picked it up. He always had funny names for all of us. He said,” hey roy, thanks for being such a lovely friend to me…” and that was it. A sweet line and the phone was off.
I asked my rahul for the permission to go with him, as we all were friends, he said ok. I went to the chapel. He was standing there like he was waiting for her to come and take him with her. He saw me, he came and took me inside the church. It was a nice proceeding. He went for the prayer. I was sitting on one the benches thinking about that sweet girl whom he loved. I felt something was gonno happen. i closed my eyes and wished that whatever my heart is saying should happen but it should happen for the good. And suddenly I got a call. It was an unknown number. I picked it up. It was someone whom I never expected to call. I heard a sweet voice which said,
“hello, is it Ayesha”
“yeah, it is, who is it?”
“I am kirti, you must be knowing about me…”
“yeah, he told me about you many a times”
“hey, I am in delhi, want to meet him urgently but I want it to be a surprise for him, can you tell me where are you?”
“I am at a chapel with him, near the d.u, you just need to come to the gate , I’ll see you there”
“yeah , I’ll be there in few minutes”
It was an exciting conversation. It was as if god was listening to me that time. He was still in his prayers. He finished them and turned towards me and smiled. He took out his phone and texted her ‘’merry christmas’’. It obviously must be her.
I asked him what he wished, he said “you know my wish”
I just said to myself,” duffer, I always know your wish…its for mum dad bhai and kirti”
After few minutes we were strolling near the chapel. He told me to go back home as it was late and also said Rahul must be waiting for me. Who can tell this duffer that the one he was waiting for from such a long time was in the town now and that she was coming to meet him. I already texted Rahul, to pick kirti and come to the chapel. He was hell excited as I was. It was 11:30 by then. The chapel was a 10minute walk from the d.u. gate provided you are dropped at the proper location. We were still walking near the chapel. It was 11:40 when I got a text from kirti that she is near the gate. I replied her rahul’s number and told her to come with him. She said ok. Rahul was already at the gate. Here me and he were talking about the many things he thought, he was sharing his heart out. Pouring out his every single emotion. It was nice to see two people doing so much for each other. One person giving away his everything just for her wellness, and she coming a long way to meet him. It was making me smile and cry at same time. It was about 11:50 when Rahul told me that he has picked kirti and they are now running towards the chapel. I acted as if I am getting cold, he took me inside the chapel and made me sit there. He started rubbing my hands. I was waiting for kirti and Rahul. The excitement was at the peak. What will happen. What will kirti say, what will he reply. He has been waiting to see her from so many days. From so many days he has been waiting to tell her that he loves her. I was getting nervous. It was one of the nail crunching minutes. And then Rahul texted that he has come.
Kirti and Rahul entered the chapel. All drenched in sweat by running, all her hair were messed up, but still she looked the perfect angel. I was able to see her but he wasn’t. she looked at me and smiled and came near us, she called out his name…
He turned around, he knew whose voice it was, the voice he always waited, the voice that talked with him all through the day and night, in anticipation he looked at her… words aren’t enough to describe the look on there faces. The happiness both had. That wish which had come true, that love in there eyes. It was all magical. They both came near to each other…
“hi” he said.
“hie..”she replied.
Without any more words to say they both hugged each other. Both closed their eyes and both took each other in there embrace. And there was this midnight stroke saying merry Christmas. Both wished each other. Both had tears in their eyes. And he said the magic words. Those three words which he had only for her. Those words that were never meant for any other person. Those words which made him and her complete. Those words of love.
“Kirti, I love you…I can’t tell you how much, can’t tell you from when but I do, I do love you”
“I love you too, I love you too…”
Was there gonno be any other reply. No. Both were still hugging each other, both had water in there eyes, it was the tears of happiness, there was so much love in the air that it was magical. I had tears in my eyes watching those two hearts meet. A Christmas has really become merry to us. We all came out of the chapel, holding each others hands. They went for a walk in that chilly night of delhi then. Holding each other’s hand for forever, she was resting her head on his shoulder. They looked the perfect together. While as me and Rahul went to our place. We saw them walking hand in hand. And for the first time since I met him. I saw him smiling without any burden, without any fear, A smile of a innocent small boy. A smile which only kirti can give him.Finally, he was happy. Someone gave him the best gift ever. The gift of love. And kirti was equally happy as she got her world…he was her lobster we can say.
It was a gift that santa gave all four of us…


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